One Thousand And One Nights: A Patreon Reward Game

One Thousand And One Nights by Haruspex Games

If you’ve been following this blog recently you probably know that I started a Patreon hint hint. As part of that Patreon I also recently announced One Thousand And One Nights – a text-based game about dreams, made as a thank you for the first 20 people (at $1 and up) who become a patron (at $1 and up!).

Each of those first 20 patrons can submit an idea to be made into a short, replayable playable vignette in One Thousand And One Nights. Those dream ideas can be anything from a real dream that you have, to an idea, just a feeling/tone, etc. – just give me the idea and I’ll turn it into something cool and fun/haunting/evocative/icky.

Well, I’ve just released the first public build, which includes one of those dreams (chosen at random from my current patrons). I’ll update the game with new vignettes soon.

If this project sounds cool you can try it out here.

And if it sounds really cool, and you’re interested in immortalising one of your dreams for future generations to find – Ozymandias-like-  on why not support me on Patreon hint hint hint?

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